
I am so glad you stopped by. This blog is all about getting things for free. Yes there is such a thing as FREE, and I will show you how to get these items. As we know not EVERYTHING in life is free so for those things I will show you how and where to find deals. I live for finding deals and get such a high when I find a good one. Not only do I love finding deals but I love being a wife and mother. This blog will not only be about the deals that I find but about the daily joys and struggles as a parent.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

AWESOME DEAL*** Totsy $15 Off $15 Code Includes Shipping – Means Free Or Nearly Free Stuff!!


Last minute message from Totsy: our last promotional campaign that was intended for a select audience of our long-time members was unintentionally exposed to the general public. This promotion has now been restored and will only work for members who received an email directly from Totsy containing a promo code.  It looks like they will be honoring orders for those that got their orders placed. Lets wait to make sure everyone gets theres but assuming everyone does, I must say this is great customer service! I have seen things like this a few times before and the companies do not honor the mistake. I will be very pleased with Totsy if they do!

UPDATE: The site is getting swamped. Just be patient and hopefully you get through.
I just got this cute mommy and me apron for $3.75  Totsy, a daily deal site, has a HOT promo code out right now for $15 off $15 which inludes shipping. Use coupon code: 15CREDIT at checkout. You will need to make sure the total after shipping comes out to more than $15 for the code to work. Example. My item was 10 then add 7 for shipping use code -15 the total you would pay would be 2. There are a ton of other great deals you can get too!! Books, roll-on parfum, cute thermals from American Apparel and more! You can get any of these for less than $1, some things as low as $.14!! PLEASE leave a comment and let me know what you bought if anything!


  1. Brittany CunninghamMarch 3, 2011 at 9:42 PM

    So I wanted to buy one of those slap watches, but the website is all tied up. Ugh, I cant check out. I'll let you know if I can anytime soon! =) Thanks for the awesome deals. keep them coming!

  2. I know it must be getting swamped. Just keep trying and hopefully it will go through.

  3. I tried checking out with a cute cupcake/cookie set and its still charging me for shipping.

  4. I guess i need to word that differently. You will be charged like 7 something for shipping but the code will be applied to that. So if your item is priced at 10 and the shipping is 7 your total is 17 -15 would make the total 2. Does that make sense?

  5. Brittany CunninghamMarch 3, 2011 at 10:43 PM

    ok so... I dont know how this code "got out" but it just cant be right! lol... you can use it the same code over and over and over again!

  6. I got it after a minute of thinking about it. LOL

  7. Amy, It took me a min too so don't feel bad :)

  8. Brittany CunninghamMarch 4, 2011 at 6:38 PM

    ok so I just read that is was totally a mess-up. They are fixing the problem now. But all orders (I made 8, and only paid a total of 10.49) will be sent at the amount placed.

  9. I figured something had to be wrong. I have seen too many of these things. I am so glad that they are honoring the purchased made at that price. Some companies don't do that, I have had a few that totally back out.
