
I am so glad you stopped by. This blog is all about getting things for free. Yes there is such a thing as FREE, and I will show you how to get these items. As we know not EVERYTHING in life is free so for those things I will show you how and where to find deals. I live for finding deals and get such a high when I find a good one. Not only do I love finding deals but I love being a wife and mother. This blog will not only be about the deals that I find but about the daily joys and struggles as a parent.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Weekly Bargain Shopping Trip

My weekly bargain shopping trip. All the stuff came from 4 stores. Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Amazon.com. Lets start with Amazon.com The 3 cups that you see were free from amazon.com. I told you about the $10 cards that are found in some babytalk magazines. Well I had one and didn't need anymore diapers so I thought I would see if it worked on things other than diapers and it does (but only from the baby store) I was able to get the 3 cups for free.  Now we will move onto Rite Aid. I got the Sambucol homeopathic medicine for free, the renuzit spray was .49 cents each and the renuzit crystal starter kits were both free. I also was able to get a Sunday paper for only .99 cents because of the overage from my coupons. Now to Walgreens. Both the Salonpas and the pert plus shampoo were free and the Colgate Pro Clinical toothpaste was only .54 cents. Finally Target. The Doves Mens deodorant was .99 cents, the Gillette Fusion shave gel was 1.99, the 2 travel shout wipes were both free, as well as the visine eye drops. In all for everything you see here my total would have been $46.79 but I only paid drum roll please..........$5.11

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